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LNS BOSS MANUFACTURING 958M Glove Latex Med P12401294LNS-280-958M BOSS MANUFACTURING 958M Glove Latex Med Manufacturer Part Number: 958MFlock lined, yellow latex for comfort and moisture management. The diamond gripping pattern provides a superior grip and excellent traction. Ideal for handling water based solutions, paint varnishes and cleaning agents. 18 gauge.Minimum order quantity - 12 pair.Size:MediumPack:1 pr. 12401294 072874095833 3.0700lbs 3.00 12.50 12.50
28.56 2025-10-03 48 In Stock

BOSS MANUFACTURING 958M Glove Latex Med, Price/PK

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UPC: 072874095833
SKU: LNS-280-958M
Unit Price: $2.38
Min.Order Price: $28.56 for 12 units
48 In Stock
* This item must be ordered in multiples of 12.
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Handling Fee Reminding:  $3.00 handling fee will be charged for ALL items from the same series, product code beginning with LNS- if you order less than  $15.00.

Product Description

Price is for PK.

Manufacturer Part Number: 958M

Flock lined, yellow latex for comfort and moisture management. The diamond gripping pattern provides a superior grip and excellent traction. Ideal for handling water based solutions, paint varnishes and cleaning agents. 18 gauge.
Minimum order quantity - 12 pair.

Pack:1 pr.


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