Our, lightweight IBC tote wrench, a BASCO exclusive, is an essential tool if you are shipping IBCs or Mini Bulks with hazardous products in them. Why? If you're not torqueing your IBC 6 inch fill caps properly before shipping hazardous products, you could receive a fine from DOT for not being compliant.
Now you can save time and effort, open and close hard to turn 6 inch fill caps quickly and easily. Other IBC fill cap wrenches can be used for the tedious, slow opening and closing of fill caps, but this exclusive Right Seal™ combination wrench, only from BASCO, allows you to speed up the process of manually opening or closing your fill caps.
The Right Seal™ combination wrench works with Greif®, Schutz®, Mauser®, and most other 6 inch IBC caps. The double handles ease the opening of previously torqued fill caps, or use it to hand tighten fill caps for in plant use. Comply with DOT closing requirements by inserting a 1/2 inch drive manual torque wrench (sold separately) into the center hole and applying the specified torque per the manufacturer's specifications.
Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s closing instructions to be in compliance with the container supplier’s torque requirements.
Attention CA Residents: Prop 65 Warning