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Customer Reviews
Items 21 - 35 of 35 reviews
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By Travisji Corcoran "anarcho-capitalist"
Date: August 13, 2009
I played Monopoly Junior the other day.It wasn't half bad.Because, basically, Monopoly is the worst board game ever created, and every single rule in it adds , so when you start removing rules to simplify it, you necessarily make it a better game.At the limit, you end up with a box labeled "Monopoly Ultimate" that contains a single sheet of paper. This sheet of paper has the words "go read a book, or watch TV, or something" on it.That is the best possible variant of Monopoly that can ever exist. ...and Monopoly Junior is a good step in that direction.
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
By Travisji Corcoran "anarchocapitalist"
Date: August 13, 2009
I played Monopoly Junior the other day.It wasn't half bad.Because, basically, Monopoly is the worst board game ever created, and every single rule in it adds , so when you start removing rules to simplify it, you necessarily make it a better game.At the limit, you end up with a box labeled "Monopoly Ultimate" that contains a single sheet of paper. This sheet of paper has the words "go read a book, or watch TV, or something" on it.That is the best possible variant of Monopoly that can ever exist....and Monopoly Junior is a good step in that direction.
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
By DJ Joe Sixpack
Date: March 29, 2009
Although some adults might feel a slight twinge of regret seeing a "new" version of a classic game they grew up playing, this version is much better suited to very young players (four or five-year olds, perhaps?)The rules are much simpler, the rewards come quicker and playtime is greatly accelerated -- teach your kids the basics of capitalism in mere minutes! I'm not wild about some of the property titles (the board is meant to reflect an amusement park and has lots of properties named after junk food and some soon-to-be-dated cultural references, such as the "American Idol" TV show) but overall, this is a good introductory kid's game, and is definitely worth picking up. (Joe Sixpack, ReadThatAgain children's media reviews)
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
By Joe Sixpack --
Date: March 29, 2009
Although some adults might feel a slight twinge of regret seeing a "new" version of a classic game they grew up playing, this version is much better suited to very young players (four or five-year olds, perhaps?) The rules are much simpler, the rewards come quicker and playtime is greatly accelerated -- teach your kids the basics of capitalism in mere minutes! I'm not wild about some of the property titles (the board is meant to reflect an amusement park and has lots of properties named after junk food and some soon-to-be-dated cultural references, such as the "American Idol" TV show) but overall, this is a good introductory kid's game, and is definitely worth picking up. (Joe Sixpack, ReadThatAgain children's media reviews)
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
By Patricia H. Luoma
Date: October 05, 2008
this is a fun game to play with our 5 year old grandson. He really enjoys it and it's also helpful in teaching him math and reading.
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
By David Cartwright "DC"
Date: August 16, 2008
Purchased for my daughter's 6th birthday. She really likes to play this game and it helps her work with small numbers. However, I wish that the dollar amounts were larger (it only has 1-5 denominations), because having her work with the bigger numbers would help her math skills. I love the speed of the game though, as it holds her attention. The only reason I didn't rate this a 5 is because I don't feel like it pushes math skills as much as it could.
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
By Katharyn L. Wheeler "katwheeler77"
Date: September 29, 2007
I bought this for my husband' birthday because he loves Monopoly and wanted a game to play with our 4 year old daughter. She is a little angry the bank and my husband keep taking her money, but she likes the activities they have on the board that you pay for, like watching fireworks, going to a water park, etc... things that in real life we do and pay for that she sees as a special treat. The box was fairly flimsy- it was bent during shipping, hence the durability marking being lower. The pieces seem like they will hold up, but the money and cards are made out of the same materials as the original monopoly, so with younger kids they may end up being ripped. The other thing I would have liked is for the pieces to have come in resealable bags. We have already ziplocked each set of players items to make sure we don't lose too many. There also is no plastic money divider for the banker like I remember the original having. That would have been another nice thing to include. Overall- my husband and daughter are pleased to have a game to play together.
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
By Mac G
Date: February 18, 2007
What I didn't like about this game was that it left the player without many choices at all. Land on a space and you must buy the ticket booth. Thinking about it, I think occasionally you may get to make a decision with a chance card, but otherwise, it all depends on the roll of the die. What the kids and I DO like about it, however, is that it is fun. Somehow, more fun than a simple game of chance should be. A nice way to spend an evening with my boys, 4 and 6.Considering the money you can spend on toys these days, this is well worth the ten bucks or so!
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
By Princess Mom
Date: January 18, 2007
We got the Monopoly Jr. game for Christmas despite some of the negative reviews. Remembering that this game is for ages 5-8, it is great. My 5 year old loves being the banker and we do our best to have her make change when we pay. The game is much shorter to play the Monopoly, so it is perfect for the younger set. Keep in mind, it does not require the strategy of Monopoly, but it isn't supposed to challenge the adults. If you like, you can do away with the rule that requires you to buy everything you land on and let the players choose what to buy (like the grownup version). My daughter has already figured out which properties are the best to have in order to bankrupt your opponent. Even my 2-year old son is enjoying it. It is a great family game. It makes a great next-step game for kids ready to move on from Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders. It is the most played game in our household.
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
By Organized Mom!
Date: January 09, 2007
This game is fun, but tends to get a little bit old waiting for someone to run out of money. I would get it again though, my kids like it for a while, we just usually end it on our own.
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
By Janice L. Rowland "Grandma Jan"
Date: October 26, 2005
The children using the game are 4 & 8, along with Mom and Grandma. We all have fun. The 4 year old is learning more about money and counting. The 8 year old is wanting to be the holder of all the "properties". The subjects of the "properties" are all pertaining to the carnival type setting.I, Grandma, thought this would be great for the other grandchildren.
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
By PianoPlayer8816
Date: March 15, 2005
I baby sit a lot, so I bought this for when the kids come over. It's not hard at all, there isn't much thinking involved and the kids actually enjoyed it. But I will say that they outgrew it really fast. Pretty soon they were wanting to play "real" Monopoly with the "big kids". And I must say, they won a lot!Over-all though, it's a good starting point to a good "real" Monopoly player.
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
By movie-lover
Date: April 05, 2004
My husband bought this game for our 5-year-old son. Our son has wanted to play over and over and over again since he got it. He just loves it. He has learned to count out the money and to collect rent on his properties. A very fun game.
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
By Concerned Parent
Date: June 29, 2002
This parent is of the opinion that "dumbing down" is not what children need. Rather, children need to be "stretched" beyond what they 'think' that they can do, play, or accomplish. With this in mind, get the regular Monopoly set for your kids. Teach them how to play -- and play with them. They will actually learn a game of strategy -- rather than a completely luck-determined "junior" version.Your kids will appreciate the quality time -- and, over time, will appreciate the fact that they learned -- at an early age -- how to play one of the greatest board games of all time.
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
By "jaclynns-mom"
Date: March 26, 2002
This game is a new Christmas gift for my 4 year old and we have all had a ball with it. The properties are amusement park rides where you put up ticket booths. The denominations of money are from $1 to $5- they make a 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 dollar bill for the kids and all of the prices of property fall in that range. The chance cards often allow you to put up a ticket booth on a property for free-even if it means bumping off someone else's that was bought and paid for. Like the grown up version, the properties are seperated by color except that there are only two of each color. Once you own both, you are paid double the value. There are no cards to keep with graduated price scales. If you paid $3 for the ticket booth, you get $3 everytime someone lands on it. If you own both, you get twice that. The average game takes about 30 minutes but it can vary. It does require someone who can be a banker and a bit of reading and math-very little of both. But it is quickly becoming Jaclynn's favorite game. (She can read, but I do the banking-she's a notorious cheater!!) ;)
Rating: [4 of 5 Stars!]
Items 21 - 35 of 35 reviews
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