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Customer Reviews
Items 101 - 103 of 103 reviews
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By Mulan
Date: November 23, 2011
I ordered these Hip Scarves for a Belly Dance class, and they are PERFECT. Made well! Happy with the purchase.
Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]
By Anya S.
Date: January 17, 2011
I was impressed with the weight of the scarf and hoped this promised quality; but there were many frayed strings, and a few pulls in the fabric. Since my skirt is black it is difficult to notice, unless your handling it or looking up close; however, I think if it were lighter in color the mistakes would be much more apparent. I love the jingle the coins make, but I am disappointed with the size. Sure the wrap measures 65 inches, but the coins only make up about 33 inches of that. In short, if your waist is any larger than 33 inches that area will not be covered by the coins.For reference: I have a 34 inch waist, and big hips, and I have a gap from where the skirt curves up on the front of my thigh, to where it curves up on the back of my thigh, so that my whole hip and side of thigh are coin free.This doesn't bother me since I am wearing it for a class, and the price was right. But I wanted to let others know because 65 inches is REALLY misleading.
Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]
By Andrea
Date: November 12, 2010
The hip scarf looks great, but I've only used it about a half-dozen times and already there are coins and beads that are dropping off. However, I am giving this scarf a REALLY good workout each week!
Rating: [3 of 5 Stars!]
Items 101 - 103 of 103 reviews
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