Q: What's that hole at the top of my overalls and the hole in the bib (if applicable)?
A: They are for your pocket watch. (If you have one, you probably knew that already). The chain hooks inside the hole at the top and the watch goes in the special bib opening. Not every bib overall has these items.
Q: My overalls have what look like loose seams on the sides and top of the back. Is that a mistake?
A: Those "extra" seams are normal and very common in overalls.
The "tack", which reinforces the seams holding the overall front and back together, is always made below the top stitch. This makes the reinforcement more secure, but leaves a few "extra" seams at the top that naturally loosen and pop out over time.
They add some extra reinforcement while they last.
Q: How do I put the hardware (buckles and adjusters) on my American Made bib overall?
A: Note: Please buckle the straps to the bib before putting the overalls in the washer.
Step #1
Step #2
Step #3
Step #4