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Items 1 - 11 of 11 reviews
By drobin3
Date: February 25, 2023
Works great, so good someone stole mine. A nice feature is that you put in high capacity AA batteries giving extra life during the cloudy days. With Covid everyone decided to buy dogs and naturally they go to the bathroom on everyone elses lawn so this is a great deterrent.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
By Diane Elkins
Date: December 23, 2022
So far it is helping.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
By lindsay
Date: December 11, 2022
This product was easy to set up, and so far the cats that were coming around seem to be staying away.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
By Q
Date: November 29, 2022
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
By Kheiria Benkato
Date: September 23, 2022
Around here, rats have bushy tails and climb trees. My neighbor would occasionally use his shotgun to eliminate half a dozen in minutes. Nobody took exception to a 90-year-old who had lived here since it was farmland and knew enough to use bird shot and fire upward. The neighborhood has been infested since he died.They stripped my apple tree Last year, I held them off for a few weeks by moving a rubber snake every couple of days. It didn't work at all this year.I have a second tree that may be 80 years old. The rotted trunk broke 20 years ago, but it still produces lots of apples. For some reason, tree rats ignore it until later in the summer.I ordered an solar animal repeller. The day before it arrived, I saw a tree rat running from the second tree with an apple. When I tested it, it would respond when I was 80 feet away and well off center. When I placed it by the tree, I wasn't detected until I was within ten feet and directly in front.Passive infrared detectors detect the motion of temperature differences. A person's face and throat tend to stay above 90 F, but the skin on legs may be near the ambient temperature. From near the tree, foliage blocked its view of my face until I was too close for it to see that high, and ultrasonic pest repeller was less sensitive to my legs.Tree rats had been near the tree all summer, and now they had become interested in those apples. Since I set up the repeller, I haven't seen them within 30 feet of the tree.The repeller could be even less sensitive to a small mammal than to my legs because the furry surfaces could be even closer to the ambient temperature. After dark on the third day, I saw a rabbit near the repeller, a little off center. I moved around behind it to see if it would trigger the repeller. It did, when it was directly in front, about 10 feet away. It sat motionless.I mved well away so that I wouldn't be the one scaring the rabbit. It appeared motionless, but it must have moved enough to keep the ultrasound going because the flashing lasted much longer than half a minute. When the rabbit turned and ran, it kicked its feet high behind it. That was panic.Early on the fourth morning, I found an apple that a tree rat had partially eaten. I walked up to the repeller without triggering it. It had been foggy, and the plastic lens was wet. Water is opaque to infrared. I wiped the lens with my handkerchief, and the repeller resumed working. In 13 days, that was the only apple stolen.Now squirrel repellent on duty in the garage, in case a squirrel is looking for a winter home.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
By Michael Ward
Date: September 22, 2022
These solar animal repellents are great value for money as they will light up any rodents and the rodents will eat your seeds as fast as they can. I lost my corn seeds that I planted a few weeks ago due to these disturbances 1/2 lb. Walked a few feet in the same field and I didn't get any corn, but in another field the crops were fine, but I noticed there were no plants where the corn was grown. After further investigation, I found them small holes. These animal repellent outdoor are more user friendly than traps you can buy for them because it just drives them to other areas outside of your garden. They are very easy to install as it can take a minute to install. You just need to Dig a small hole with a small shovel or 20 small shovels for a few seconds then lower it to the proper depth with a hole digger, then push it back, turn it on, listen to them buzz and root out your problem. They are better than My lazy cat is more efficient. She is already in the field checking out my new set of these amazing devices.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
By Kelly M Ackerman
Date: September 22, 2022
I tried this as a last resort. I have a small peach and plum orchard north of Birmingham Alabama. About twenty trees. I planted them about eight years ago. Unfortunately, I haven't gotten much fruit due to squirrels. The trees bloom and make a lot of peaches/plums. I've put out traps and even installed video cameras thinking there was no way squirrels could eat that many peaches. They can and have. I purchased this solar animal repeller about two weeks ago and set it up so it could charge in sunlight. I usually see two to three of the little tree rats ever time I go up there. Also see rabbits and crows. Since installing animal repellent outdoor, I haven't seen any unwanted critters. I also have twenty blueberry bushes that bird's love to munch on. The number of birds has decreased as well,bird deterrent effect,I can't say with certainty that this unit is keeping them away. But, I'm not seeing the little critters that were destroying my crops. That's good enough for me!
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
By C B
Date: February 06, 2022
Click it once to turn on and again to turn off. Exactly like it's supposed to work.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
By Barry
Date: January 03, 2022
Bought this to replace the foot switch on my Dunlop ZW Wah. Works flawlessly. I had no experience with soldering electronics, but this was a super easy swap.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
By scott facemire
Date: August 04, 2020
Brought the old Crybaby back to life
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
By Meagan
Date: January 15, 2020
Perfect replacement switch for my Crybaby Wah pedal. Now it's as good as new!
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!]
Items 1 - 11 of 11 reviews